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fortune favours the storyteller!

Why it pays to invest in developing your storytelling super power...

by Helen Lawrence, Chief Happiness Officer, THCG

We each have a story to tell and an opportunity to engage, inspire and influence those around us. But how many of us are seizing that opportunity?

Did you know… using a change story – a clear story that communicates the journey that the business is on - is one of the most powerful ways to engage colleagues in a transformation and build ownership? 

Earlier this year, we updated our own transformation story to tell the story of the change journey that we’re on as a business, to build The Happy Consultancy Group of the future. The reason for the update? Well, the first time we created our own story it was “Helen & Andy’s story” prior to growing the team and setting up in Malaysia.

We have our own transformation story, written by team happy to inspire our journey to happiness and success...

By revisiting the story with the new team, we were able to incorporate everyone’s hopes and dreams for playing their part and ultimately becoming the hero’s of the story. We were able to ensure it resonated with everyone on an emotional level, inspiring them to be part of the journey ahead and understand just how they can contribute.

Team Malaysia unleashing their story writing skills to contribute to our exciting new transformation story!

It was such an inspiring, collaborative and inclusive process - we would definitely recommend getting the input from all levels of your organisation to co-create a story that truly means something to people. The strategy may be set, but the part people can plan can be wide and varied! 

It reminds me of that brilliant quote by Xun Kuang:

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

A story also helps involve people by immersing them into the narrative, helping make things feel familiar and real, helping people make sense of thoughts, feelings and situations. 

People need to understand the ‘why’ behind any transformation so they are motivated to contribute. 

A good change story offers context, rationale and explanation – and our transformation story achieves this by connecting people with our current reality and the drivers of transformation. Stories help create meaning and connect people at an emotional and logical level.

And... that’s just one type of story that you could leverage as a leader! The opportunities to draw on the power of storytelling as a leader are endless. How many times have you started that meeting, or briefing and thought to yourself 'oh wow, even I'm fed up with the same script... how can I make this more interesting and engaging!' (we've all been there right?!)

The power of storytelling is an essential leadership skill.  Steve Jobs once famously said that the storyteller is the most powerful leader in the world. Why? Because it gives a leader an extra super power for influencing, inspiring and engaging people.

A key element of any leadership role is the ability to motivate people. The key to motivation is to create meaning in what your people do, how they do it, and why they do it. Your ultimate goal is to make them feel inspired, energised and motivated to deliver their best work. 

Whatever message you want to convey, the key to your people’s heart is a story.

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today. - Robert McPhee Brown

Ok, so, second question for you...

Do you want to get F.I.T. to story tell? Ready to unlock your storytelling super powers?

Yes? GREAT. And we have just the tool for you to kick start your journey to storytelling greatness.

If you are curious and want to discover more about how you can unlock the storyteller within, why not check out our amazing F.I.T. to story tell magazine?

Available on our shop at only £24.95, it’s packed full of insights, learning exercises and sources of self learning. Complete it and find yourself more focused, intelligent and able to thrive with storytelling confidence. Some people have commented that this magazine provided more learning insight than a full week's course!

Some of our biggest clients have benefited from this 'more than just a magazine tool', including Royal Mail and Sodexo.

So, like with any great story, think of this magazine as your trusty mentor, your Obi-Wan to Luke, your Dumbledore to Harry, as you undertake an epic journey of discovery - and like any hero, be prepared for your own transformation as you unleash your full storytelling potential!

For more details, click here: 

Hot Summer Offer!

As it’s summer (depending on where you live!), if you order 20+ copies, we will throw in a free 90-min virtual webinar for the same number of people. 

If you are interested in running a face to face session or discussing exclusive digital credit opportunities to share this and/or other F.I.T. magazines, get in touch on

I read somewhere once that success isn't about telling people how good you are, it's about creating the stories that do the talking for you. What stories will you be sharing? I can't wait to see them...

Much happiness,

Helen :-)

"Don't wait for happiness, create it."

About Us

The Happy Consultancy Group, Business Culture Consultancy of the Year 2023, is a multi-award winning company bringing something fresh and exciting to the world of learning and engagement at work.

Jump onboard the happiness at work revolution and discover why it pays to invest in happiness at work.


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