“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.”
- Maya Angelou -
ready to get F.I.T.?
"Happiness is the joy we feel striving toward our potential."
- Shawn Achor -
It was the ancient Greeks who first defined happiness in this way and at The Happy Learning Company, we couldn't agree more.
It's why we offer a range of F.I.T. workshops and magazines, all designed to encourage you to create happiness for yourself and others by unleashing your full power and potential to achieve great things in your life and career.
If you’re a leader looking to develop your people and create happier places to work, you are also in the right place!

Don't worry, we're not talking gyms or lycra.
We're talking about unlocking your full potential.
so what does F.I.T. mean?
for us, being F.I.T. is about being at our best and being...
On the big ‘why?’ - your purpose and goals, along with those of your target audience and business
Drawing on multiple intelligences in order to shine and inspire positive action
Emotional intelligence – being aware of yourself and others
Positive intelligence – drawing upon the power of positivity
Social intelligence – enabling you to build the right relationships and trust with others
Being at your best, energised, passionate and motivated to continue learning, achieving new levels of excellence and celebrating success
we live to help others get F.I.T.
...which is why we offer a specially chosen range of topics that in our experience are essential in the world of business. So, whether you're a budding leader who wants to inspire positive action, are keen to sharpen your facilitation or influencing skills, want to know the secrets to creating customer happiness or motivated to refine your storytelling skills, we've got you covered.
All of our F.I.T. solutions are thoughtfully underpinned by positive psychology and the science of happiness at work and fuelled with years of experience (too many to mention!) working for and with some of the world's biggest brands - but most importantly, they are developed with love.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get F.I.T.!